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Meet Jules


Certified Fitness Trainer 
and Personal Coach

My journey as a holistic health coach started with my own struggles. Although I have always had a strong passion for helping others, I also knew that I was in desperate need of healing before I could share my experience through coaching.


After prepping for several body building competitions, I developed an unhealthy obsession with working out, food, and body image. I struggled with bulimia, anorexia, and body dysmorphia. Finally, my wake up call (and blessing in disguise) came to me when my body physically shut down.


When I was preparing for my last show, my body started to go in the reverse direction and regardless of what I tried, I kept gaining weight. In a short period of time, I gained 40lbs and my body fat tripled due to metabolic damage and hormone imbalances.


Thousands of dollars later, and after seeing several doctors and specialists, I was told that I was perfectly healthy and my symptoms were all in my head. At that point, I knew I had to take my health into my own hands.

My Vision

Becoming a health coach was the catalyst for me to change my entire lifestyle as well as my mindset. I’ve learned how to not only nourish my body, but how to nourish my mind, heart, and soul. It is my honor and privilege to help my clients nourish theirs as well. As a holistic health coach, I will be your supportive mentor and wellness authority to help put your health back in YOUR hands.

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